What do you think it is to MEDITATE? This word will probably automatically bring your mind to a Yogui in a crossed leg position with his eyes closed...is that the exact definition of MEDITATING?
The word comes from the latin Meditatum, which means to reflect;
However, Krishnamurti explains that "all effort to meditate is the opossite to meditation. Meditation is the end of thoughts. It is only then, when we are in a different dimension even beyond time."
Krishnamurti also explained: "When we learn about ourselves and we observe, we observe the way we walk, the way we eat , what we say, what we gossip, what we hate, our jealousy , if we are aware of everything that we have inside us ; this is part of the meditation. "
There are many concentration techniques that prepare us for meditation. It is always helpful being in a comfortable posture that we can sustain for several minutes . We can try to focus our attention on something specific, for example, our breathing. All these techniques will help us to focus on the present.
What are the benefits of meditation?
Lowing blood pressure
Reducing anxiety
Lowing pain related to tension such as: dementia, insomnia, muscle tension and joint pain.
Increasing serotonin production, which increases mood and behavior.
Improving the immune system
Estimulating brain centers that release endorphins and dopamine wich bring you to a state of joy.
Lowing inflammatory reactions on the body and its autoimmune response.
Building skills to reduce stress
What is the best time to meditate?
If we set aside time to practice as a routine, the best time will be early in the morning or at the end of the day, because there is more Prana (energy) accumulated in the atmosphere.
Having a routine is essential to see progress, only five or ten minutes of practice a day can be enpugh at the beginning.
How do I start?
To start practicing meditation, the use of techniques developed by the mind is required. Later it will begin to happen spontaneously and effortlessly; life itself becomes meditation because it is simply the consciousness of everything that exists (Dark / Light, Life / Death, Good / Bad).
The process of meditation is observation or awareness without judgment.
Finally, I believe that the intentions behind meditation are, above all, the pause and the reunion with our deepest being.

When in doubt, make a pause.
When you get mad, make a pause.
When get tired, make a pause.
When you are feeling stressed , make a pause.
And when you make a pause, breath deeply and be gratefull.